
Types of Credentials Issued

The Classical Academy of Arms issues credentials as classical fencing trainers for classical fencers.  Details of the requirements for trainers are available at the Ranks and Apprentice Instructor pages on this website.  

Individuals holding Classical Academy of Arms should be able to produce an Academy certifciate or a Student Record and Transcript with the Academy’s seal stamped on it or to document their credential with an electronic open badge in of the patterns below (colors may vary due to a change in badging platform).

The following is a current list of all individuals holding up-to-date credentials.  Maintenance of the credential requires the completion of a minimum of 16 hours of continuing professional education for Classical Fencing Instratuctors and 32 hours fro Classical Fencing Provost and Classical Fencing Masters during the calendar year.  Individuals who present certificates for credentials who are not listed below have failed to maintain the credential appropriately.  We believe that continuing education is vital to skill maintenance, awareness of improvements in training methods, and familiarity with current research related to fencing in general and classical fencing in particular.


The following individuals hold certification as Classical Fencing Apprentice Instructors:

  • OLBRICH, Christian
  • 4 credentials lapsed

The following individuals have been certified as Classical Fencing Demonstrators:

  • OLBRICH, Christian
  • 2 in progress
  • 1 credential lapsed

The following individuals have been certified as Classical Fencing Instructors:

  • 2 in progress

The following individuals have been certified as Classical Fencing Provosts:

The following individuals have been certified as Classical Fencing Masters:

The following individuals have been designated Classical Fencing Master Trainers:

  • GERACI, Paul [I Plead the Fifth: Historical Confusion Regarding Prime and Quinte]
  • THOMPSON, Rick [Patton’s Sabre]
  • GREEN, Walter [Trainer paper The Classical Foil Fencing Lesson​]

The following individuals have met 2021 Continuing Education Requirements:

  • GREEN, Walter effective 2 September 2021

The following individuals have met requirements for recognition of Mastery of Classical Fencing Catechism knowledge of terminology and doctrine (valid for two years):

  • GREEN, Walter effective 1 September 2021
  • OLBRICH, Christian effective 1 September 2021