Classical Fencing Circle

The Classical Fencing Circle is the internet based Zoom program of the Classical Academy of Arms. Circle activities include regular technical instruction, mini-clinics, online competitions, and other training activities for our credential holders, candidates, and their students. In essence the Circle is the Academy’s fencing club.

Participation in Circle activities requires membership in the Amateur Athletic Union as a member of the Classical Academy of Arms ($14 US for youth members and $16 US for coaches) if you are resident in the United States.  This affiliation is not required of residents of other countries.  Coaches must meet our youth protection requirements.

The term “circle” was commonly used in the classical period as part of the name of fencing clubs in France and Italy and still can be found in the names of older clubs, for example, the Circolo della Spada Mangiarotti of Milan.  To meet the needs of our international audience we offer the following choices of translations:

  • The Classical Fencing Circle (English)
  • Cercle d’Escrime Classique (French)
  • Circolo della Scherma Classica (Italian)
  • Traditio Gladia-Sporta Ciklo (Glosa – an international auxiliary language)

Course 1: Skill Development Program Practical Skills

The Academy has long required candidates for rank to know and be able to teach the knowledge portion of the Skill Development Program.  The technical skills for the Skill Development Program have been included by reference as part of the requirements on the practical examination and course activities.  However, the Academy has always relied on the candidate’s knowledge of their school as adequate preparation.  Starting in 2021, the Academy has for the first time, provide online technical instruction by Zoom to provide a common interpretation of technique, always in the context of the School and Master being studied.

Each Wednesday at 7:30 pm (1930) Eastern Time and Sunday at 10:00 am (1000) the Academy presents an approximately 30 minute long training session on Zoom.  These session focus on the actual execution of skills with trainer feedback and appropriate discuss of applications.  The lessons will also compare and contrast various Schools to identify commonalities and differences.  

The practical skills program costs $10.00 US monthly, billed by PayPal.  You may attend either Wednesday or Sunday or both days.

Our primary instructor is Classical Fencing Master Walter Green, CAA (Maitre d’Armes AAI, Diploma IFCA, Maitre d’Armes Historiques USFCA).  He has 57 years experience as a fencer, 52 years as a trainer, a decade of experience with online instruction at the university level, and over 260 Zoom lessons delivered during the COVID Pandemic.

The course syllabus of techniques covered is available on this link.

Virtual Tournaments

The Classical Fencing Circle conducts online virtual tournaments every month to six weeks using the Classical Academy of Arms rules for One TouchOne Touch is based on En Garde, a board game simulating a fencing bout, developed by Reiner Knizia and adapted for play on Zoom. The tournaments are played in bouts for a single touch in a variety of different formats.  Although a board game on Zoom does not seem very demanding, in reality One Touch provides training in opponent assessment, behavior prediction, distance management, use of the strip, and the importance of tactics, all skills that the classical fencer and the classical fencing trainer need. Optional rules allow the problems presented by various elements of classical fencing to be explored by the participants.  Our tournament records are available at this link.