Distance Training

Training and credentialing for all ranks of the Classical Academy of Arms Instructor Development Program are  completed self-paced online using Moodle, a training industry standard teaching software. This is not a rapid or easy process, nor should it be.  It is designed to ensure that you have the experience and the knowledge to effectively and accurately teach technique and tactics in the manner of the classical period.  For planning purposes you should allow between six months to one year to complete the required training and testing (depending on the frequency with which you act as a trainer in your club or salle and your starting level of proficiency) for each rank (except the Classical Fencing Apprentice Instructor which should be completed in 3 months or less).

Our Moodle courses emphasize two key elements: (1) discussion, questioning, and dialog between you and the course instructor (or instructors) and (2) practical assignments including review by video of performance elements and completion of documentation of various elements of managing a fencing program.

The detailed instructions, checklists, and forms for credentialing are available from the Academy.  Every requirement and standard is detailed and explained in the program documents to provide a completely transparent process.  Our examination philosophy is not to use the process as a rite of passage or a way to make the candidate achieve absolute perfection.  Instead we believe that the examination offers a way for the candidate to grow – any credential whether Classical Fencing Demonstrator or Classical Fencing Master is effectively a license to continue learning at a higher level.

This is a college level program.  We expect that at each level you will have acquired instructional and administrative knowledge and skills needed to be a successful coach in the context of the National Standards for Sports Coaches and the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee’s Quality Coaching Framework 2020 and/or equivalent international standards and frameworks.